Independent Lens.

A century later, these towns remain mostly white. Independent Lens. Independent Lens. Born on Easter Island, the most remote island in the Pacific, at a time when it had very little contact with the outside world.

Past seasons of Independent Lens were presented by hosts Angela Bassett, Don Cheadle, Susan Sarandon, Edie Falco, Terrence Howard, Maggie Gyllenhaal, America Ferrera, Mary-Louise Parker, and Stanley Tucci, who served two stints as host from 2012-2014.

About Independent Lens Independent Lens is an Emmy® Award-winning weekly series airing on PBS Monday nights at 10:00 PM. Leftover Women. The acclaimed series … With America Ferrera, Terrence Howard, Stanley Tucci, Mary-Louise Parker. The leading incubator and presenter of independent film, ITVS partners with filmmakers to bring untold stories to public television and to communities around the globe. Eating Up Easter. Families, and Their History with Racism: A Lynching in the Family Part 2 | Independent Lens | PBS - Duration: 5 minutes, 18 seconds. Accept the Call. Independent Lens; Indie Lens Storycast; POV; Women of the World; Arts & Culture; Democracy & Rights; Diversity & Identity ; Health & Environment; International Stories; Diversity Development Fund; International; Open Call; Series and Special Projects; Short-Form Open Call; Short-Form Series and Special Projects; Missing in Brooks County. Producer/Director Sergio M. Rapu. Rewind. Independent Lens. Independent Lens is a weekly television series airing on PBS presenting documentary films made by independent filmmakers. Independent Lens. Independent Lens. Made in Boise. Independent Lens. Recorder: Marion Stokes Project. Independent Lens is a weekly television series airing on PBS presenting documentary films made by independent filmmakers. The 3,000 Project.

Presented by ITVS, INDEPENDENT LENS is broadcast on PBS stations nationwide. Independent Lens, as well as the ITVS-funded films Lorraine Hansberry: Sighted Eyes/Feeling Heart and Minding the Gap. We Believe in Dinosaurs. Past seasons of Independent Lens were presented by hosts Angela Bassett, Don Cheadle, Susan Sarandon, Edie Falco, Terrence Howard, Maggie Gyllenhaal, America Ferrera, Mary-Louise Parker, and Stanley Tucci, who served two stints as host from 2012-2014. Submerged. We know that courageous storytelling can create a better world. In addition, … Marcos Doesn't Live Here … Six ITVS-Funded Documentaries and Three Independent Lens Films Honored with Peabody Award Nominations (San Francisco, CA, April 12, 2018) — ITVS is pleased to announce that six of its funded films have been nominated for 2018 Peabody Awards in the documentary category: ABACUS: Small Enough to Jail, Deej, Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise, Motherland, Newtown, and TOWER. Different celebrity host present a new independent documentary. Hosted by Terrence Howard, the acclaimed series showcases powerful and innovative independent films. Independent Lens 2019-2020 Season Promo "Want me to tell you a story?" Independent Lens Premiere Date May 25, 2020 Length 60 minutes Funding Initiative Diversity Development Fund. Pipe Dreams. Honoring the “most powerful, enlightening and invigorating stories in television, radio and digital media,” the 78th Annual Peabody Awards ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2019 at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City, hosted by Ronan Farrow. More about us › News ITVS Shares Our Progress on BIPOC Representation July 6, 2020.

INDEPENDENT LENS | Banished | PBS. From the 1860s to the 1920s, dozens of towns and counties across America violently expelled entire African American communities, forcing thousands of black families to flee their homes.

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