Dutch Shepherd. Lancashire Heeler.
Overall, it’s from 10 to 15 years, but some of them reach 17 years of age or more. Border Collie Lifespan Average The average life expectancy of a Border Collie is 12 years. The Border Collie’s lifespan Border Collies have an average life expectancy of 12 years .

The Border Collie's rootstock is of western European origin, with northern England and Scotland being the specific areas of development. Belgian Laekenois .

The average lifespan for a Border Collie is 12 years. Swedish Vallhund. Ca de Bestiar (Majo... Collie (Smooth) Bearded Collie. Working Kelpie. Belgian Malinois.

English Shepherd. The Border Collie was recognized by the United Kennel Club on January 1, …

Collie Rough, Collie A Poil Long, Langhaariger Schottischer Schaferhund, Collie De Pelo Largo ... Border Collie. Saarloosewolfdog. Croatian Sheepdog.

Their average overall range is between 10-14 but in some cases, they can live to be around 17. Pyrenean Shepherd.

The leading cause of death for these dogs are cancer at 23.6%, old age at 17.9% and cerebral vascular afflictions at 9.4%. Border Collie lifespan is naturally from 9 years to 17 years.

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