Why was the skeleton stupid? The hip. Oh, that's actually the stern one 10. 12, I think, the same as inches 9.
Each hip bone is made up of three parts — the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis. He was a numskull. A humerus. This area is commonly referred to as the calf. Why are bones so calm? Funny bones, very funny bones and hilarious bones 13. The bonce bone 3. That's your funny bone! Running down the inside part of your elbow is a nerve called the ulnar nerve. One each side 8. When they had finished, the big skeleton said, "That dog looks a bit funny to me." The shafts of the tibia and fibula are connected by an interosseous membrane. WOFO! The lower leg extends from the knee to the ankle. Spare ribs. The face 4. The femur is the longest and heaviest bone in the human body. He had no body. Tibia. THE LEG BONES CONNECTED THE — HIP BONE! Nothing gets under their skin. THE FOOT BONE'S CONNECTED TO THE — LEG BONE! The proximal part of the fibula has an enlarged head that articulates (forms a joint) with the tibia. The left and right hip (coxal) bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx form the pelvic girdle, which is the housing for the pelvic organs. THE HIP BONE’S CONNECTED TO THE – BACK BONE! It doesn't really hurt as much as it feels weird. The hip bones also form the socket portion of the hip joint. Left leg bone and right leg bone 12. One - the backbone 6. Fibula: This long bone, the thinner of the two leg bones, is located lateral to the tibia. "So he does," said the little skeleton. Lower leg bones. THE FOOT BONE’S CONNECTED TO THE -LEG BONE! The big skeleton and the little skeleton sang a song. 2. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones Oh hear the word of the Lord The feet bone is connected to the leg bone The leg bone is connected to the knee bone The knee bone is connected to the thigh bone. None - arm bones meet the hand bones at the wrist 7. OOFW!" What’s the coolest part of a skeleton? Christian Music Download Free Wallpapers And Videos. He had a bone to pick. What do you call a funny bone? Then they got mixed up. The "funny bone" got its nickname because of that funny feeling you get after you hit it. The thigh bone connected to the (') back bone, The back bone connected to the (') neck bone The neck bone connected to the (') head bone Oh hear the word of the Lord! What did the osteopathic medicine doctor bring to the potluck? Why was the skeleton so lonely? But your funny bone isn't actually a bone at all. The big bone 14.


THE TOE BONE'S CONNECTED TO THE- F00T BONE! They sang a song while they did it. Housemaid's bonnet 11.
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