Excerpted with permission from God’s Power to Change Your Life by Rick Warren, copyright Zondervan 2014. Join … ... God’s favor is the power that changes things for us. God's power is revealed and experienced in His Word. Since we are created in His image He has given us the authority and the power to declare over our own lives. You might be declaring over your life without even knowing it. First and foremost, you and I are saved by His favor, and I’m not just talking about going to heaven when we die.
Every complete life-change, every turn-around that I read or hear about has one common element — God's word. I grew up believing pastors and youth leaders who said, “God has a perfect plan for your life.” I presumed it was my job to figure out what that plan was and then step into it with boldness. Let us remember that the power to change is very real, and it is a great spiritual gift from God. Regardless of what you have done in your past, your future has been redeemed because of Christ’s sacrifice. ... Peter says, "For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls."
God spoke (declared) all things into existence. When I was a teenager, I began to worry that if I deviated from God’s path, I’d be out of His perfect will — out on my own. So it isn’t your ability to change yourself, but your willing for God to intervene and change you, according to His word and thus will, in any particular area that you … Just think of the power this Book has to dramatically change and transform the quality of your entire life. CREATING YOUR LIFE PLAN The Online Course ... Each of the principles I’ll share in this PDF helped free me from the big lie that life was just something that happens to me. Have you ever said, “I hate my life,” or “My life sucks,” or “I’m so fat and ugly.” This lesson outlines seven of these specific powers. ... and I’m glad. God’s favor will change your life, and you already have it! God's Power to Change Your Life (Repackaged) (9780310340768) by Rick Warren In God's Power to Change Your Life, Rick Warren lays the groundwork of personal transformation, then offers biblical insight and simple steps for ten areas of growth that can take you from where you are to where you want to be. God thinks it’s okay for you to change, too. God’s power is the power to cancel our past. This means when you start reading and studying the Bible in order to gain more knowledge about God – it will start to effectively work in you so you can start to change into the person God will want you to become in Him. This one is a little complicated, but I … God never says in the Bible that we have to achieve all the Bible says on our own, He wants us to work with Him, Ely on Him, seek Him. * * * Your Turn.