Peștera cu Oase (prononciation roumaine : [ˈpeʃtera ku ˈo̯ase], signifiant « grotte aux ossements ») est un système karstique de galeries et de salles situées près de la ville d'Anina, dans le județ de Caraș-Severin, au sud-ouest de la Roumanie, où certains des plus vieux restes d'Homo sapiens d'Europe ont été découverts, âgés de 37 800 ans [1]. 2003a), Oase 2 has exceptional maxillary third molars for 2003a), Oase 2 has exceptional maxillary third molars for a Late Pleistocene human. An early modern human from the Peştera cu Oase, Romania. 2007; Trinkaus et al. Peștera cu Oase (ad pedem litterarum "spelunca cum ossibus") est caverna in Banatu Romaniae sita ubi anno 2002 reperta sunt ossa hominum qui anno circiter 38 000 a.C.n. ). Between 2003 and 2005, the Peştera cu Oase, Romania yielded a largely complete early modern human cranium, Oase 2, scattered on the surface of a Late Pleistocene hydraulically displaced bone bed containing principally the remains of Ursus spelaeus.Multiple lines of evidence indicate an age of ≈40.5 thousand calendar years before the present (≈35 ka 14 C B.P. the Late Pleistocene, the Oase 2 mid-MIS 3 human from the Peştera cu Oase, in the southwestern Carpathians of Roma-nia, dated to approximately the same age as the Denisova Cave phalanx. Peştera cu Oase, in the southwestern Carpathians of Roma-nia, dated to approximately the same age as the Denisova Cave phalanx. (30 Sep 2003, Epub 22 Sep 2003). 2007; Trinkaus et al. vixerunt.

The Peştera cu Oase isotopic results indicate that cave bears do not always have low δ 15 N values when compared with herbivores from the same site. «Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice (serie nouă)», V, … Peştera cu Oase: the site The karstic system The Peştera cu Oase (Cave with Bones) is located in the southwestern Carpathians, in the vicinity of Anina, Caraş-Severin, Banat, Romania. Peștera cu Oase (deutsch Knochenhöhle) heißt ein System von zwölf Karsthöhlen, die in der historischen Region Banat, im Kreis Caraș-Severin, in Südwest-Rumänien liegen. Peștera cu Oase (La cueva con huesos) es un sistema de 12 galerías y cámaras cársticas, situado a N. 45° 01’; E. 21° 50’, en el sur-oeste de Rumania, donde se encontraron los restos de Homo sapiens más antiguos de Europa.. Descubrimientos paleoantropológicos. THE PEŞTERA CU OASE 2 MAXILLARY THIRD MOLARS As previously noted (Rougier et al. PMID: 14504393, PMCID: PMC208740, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2035108100. Peştera cu Oase adalah sistem 12 kamar karst yang terletak di N. 45° 01’; E. 21° 50’ di Rumania barat daya, di mana sisa manusia modern tertua di Eropa (berusia 40.500 tahun) telah ditemukan.. Mereka mungkin merupakan Homo sapiens pertama yang memasuki benua Eropa.. Dua laboratorium dengan metode radiokarbon menyimpulkan bahwa kemungkinan dari sisa manusia yang ditemukan berusia … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 100(20):11231-11236. Moreover, this pattern is evident, although less dominant, in samples from Muierii and Scladina 1A. THE PEŞTERA CU OASE 2 MAXILLARY THIRD MOLARS As previously noted (Rougier et al. This … The Peştera cu Oase project is an ongoing collaborative international endeavour, and this represents a summary of the current state of our knowledge. The Pestera cu Oase is a sealed limestone cavern in southwestern Romania which served principally as a hibernation den for Pleistocene cave bears and wolves, but also contained the fossil remains of the earliest modern humans in Europe. Currently inaccessible except through cave diving and rock climbing, the cave preserved its contents undisturbed for tens of thousands of years. Peştera cu Oase este o peşteră situată în sud-vestul României, unde în anul 2002 s-au descoperit cele mai vechi fosile din Europa aparţinând omului modern, Homo sapiens.. Peştera cu Oase este situată în judeţul Caraş-Severin, pe Valea Minişului, aproape de oraşul Anina.Peştera are o suprafaţă de jumătare de hectar şi este compusă din mai multe galerii. This paper presents an analysis of the DNA from a modern human individual from Peştera cu Oase in Romania who lived 37,000–42,000 years ago. ARTICLE | FREE FULLTEXT PDF

(2009) — Stable Isotope Evidence for Early Modern Human Diet in Southeastern Europe: Peştera cu Oase, Peştera Muierii and Peştera Cioclovina Uscată.

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