PowerShell is locked-down by default, so you’ll have to enable PowerShell Remoting before using it. This below scripts restart multiple computers, all the computers will be restarted at once if you use -asjob parameter at the end. Example 2: Use PowerShell to shutdown a computer. This command will shutdown a remote computer. DESCRIPTION This PowerShell script reads a list of computer names (or IP Addresses) from a CSV file and remotely gets the system information related to its Operating System, Disk and network. Executing PowerShell commands and scripts remotely can be a bit tricky. When the commands finish processing, it sends the results back to your machine. Restart CCMEXEC on Multiple machines-- We may face a scenario where we need to restart the SMS Agent host service on the client machines-- it would be difficult to restart service on each machine one by one.

It’s similar to SSH for accessing remote terminals on other operating systems. 3 Star (1) Downloaded 2,016 …

The best thing about the Restart-SCCMSyncCycle script is that you can dynamically add multiple computers either from the pipeline or an array variable. This prevents running multiple commands together unless they are saved as a .PS1 file and the script itself is invoked.

PowerShell Remoting allows you to connect to multiple computers on your network from a PowerShell command prompt. Restart-Computer -ComputerName "Computer1", "Computer2", "Computer3" The next command restarts the Computer1 remote computer and then waits up to 10 minutes (600 seconds) for Windows PowerShell to be available on the restarted computer before it continues. By Jeffery Hicks; 04/10/2012; It is a fact that Windows administrators periodically need to reboot servers and desktops. To resolve this issue we use powershell scripts, using the powershell script we can restart windows service for bulk computers … Start/Stop/Restart service on remote computer with powershell PowerShell: Start and stop services on remote computer with alternate credentials The first one I wrote when I was not matured enough with PowerShell and the second one recently to address a specific requirement where user need to pass alternate credentials to manage services. Because of this fact, I always was running into scripts that would remotely reboot a group of computers. Restart-Computer -ComputerName "Server01"-Wait - For PowerShell -Timeout 6 00-Delay 2

Also replace “spooler” with the name of the service you would like to restart.

Stop-Computer -ComputerName REMOTE_COMPUTER_NAME -Force Example 3: Use PowerShell to restart a list of computers.
The trick is easy with the aptly named Restart-Computer .

Make sure you are running PowerShell with an account that has access to restart services on the remote computer. In this article I’ll share the Get-Uptime script that was initially written by Reddit user /u/OttoVonMonstertruck and added upon by yours truly.

-- Create a folder C:\temp (or you can edit it as pe .

The whole idea is be to be able to get the last reboot time remotely as well as get-uptime for multiple computers in your org. This script is tested on these platforms by the author.

Hi Spicers, I'm looking for some help with a script to restart a workstation remotely. For restarting your computer, you can simply click the Start Button and afterwards On/Off. RestartCCMEXEC.ps1.

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