Sei Shōnagon was born into the Kiyohara family, descendants of the Emperor Temmu (r. 673-686) and a family of some distinction, although by Shōnagon’s lifetime, its … It revealed an interesting view on life at court. Lists by Sei Shōnagon; and Errors of youth Posted on March 3, 2018 by TheIncensedProfessor in Flagler , Putnam , St. Johns , The Incensed Professor // 0 Comments Heian Japan is a fascinating period in world history, not because of its politics (the Fujiwara family had more power than the Emperor), but because it was an age in which aesthetics were paramount. It is a collection of lists, poetry, gossip and observations from her years in the court (things she saw and how she felt about them).

Sei Shōnagon was noted to have exceptional memory even by the other court ladies, who were all required to have great skills and knowledge in poetry. The Pillow Book became very well-known during the Heian period.
Sei Shōnagon was a Japanese author, poet, and a court lady who served the Empress Teishi (Sadako) around the year 1000 during the middle Heian period. Being an oddity during this period in Japan, Sei Shōnagon was well versed in reading Chinese characters and the world of Chinese poetry.

Sei Shōnagon (清少納言?, lesser councilor of state Sei), (c. 966–1017/1025) was a Japanese author, poet and a court lady who served the Empress Teishi (Sadako) around the year 1000 during the middle Heian period.She is the author of The Pillow Book (枕草子, makura no sōshi? There are many stories passed down through the ages of her using her vast knowledge to go head to head with the men of the time in debates and intellectual discussions. The Pillow Book (枕草子, Makura no Sōshi) is a book of observations and musings recorded by Sei Shōnagon during her time as court lady to Empress Consort Teishi during the 990s and early 1000s in Heian Japan.The book was completed in the year 1002. Three late-tenth-century and early-11th-century women presented their views of life and romance at the Heian court in Kagerō Nikki by "the mother of Fujiwara Michitsuna", The Pillow Book by Sei Shōnagon and The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu. The name Pillow Book came from an event where the empress was given a bundle of notebooks.

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