I prefer to use a different definition: “Everyone is you, living a different life. Once completed, you will receive your in-depth Platinum Rule Report. 0 8 3K (1 Today) Published: March 5, 2011. Completing the questionnaire below will only take 3-5 minutes to learn what makes you tick. The platinum rule should be a priority for all leaders. Mar 5, 2011 | 6 min read. The Platinum Rule Personality Test www.paycheckpayroll.com | 573.547.3662 | steph@paycheckpayroll.com 11A_____I usually focus primarily on ideas, concepts, or results.
Rate! - The Platinum Rule. The Golden Rule implies the basic assumption that other people would like to be treated the way that you would like to be treated. Let me explain. And that's not the half of it! Sometimes I think of John Lennon's song, "Imagine." Each is really, really trying to please the other. The people on your team do not all work the same way or have the same behaviors or the same needs. We want to treat people with respect and, in our position as dentist, offer the best treatment possible for our patients. When working with individuals and teams the greatest ah-ha moments come when we really make an effort to understand others and not just focus on our own needs and preferences. Posted Feb 07, 2017
11B_____I usually focus primarily on persons, interactions, and feelings. The “Golden Rule”– treat others the way you would like to be treated– is far less effective than the “Platinum Rule” — treat others the way they would like to be treated. Thanks Comments; A Fast, Accurate Online Personality Test.
Mismatched skill set 36%Unclear performanceexpectations 30%Personality conflicts 17%Failure to … Patterns that work for you may not work for them. A good leader practices the golden rule, treating other people with respect and courtesy.
In other terms, you have to manage people the style they want to be managed, not the style you want to be managed.
Also we outlined brief summaries of one’s predominate behavioral style and the benefits of performing an assessment as such as the DISC Platinum Rule assessment.
Improved relationships create infinite possibilities. The Platinum Rule states we should perform unto others the direction they require us to perform unto them. Most people are aware of the "Golden Rule." Based on Tony Alessandra’s famous book – The Platinum Rule. Treat others how they would like to be treated. Based on the basic concept of mutual respect, it is typically beneficial as a work, personal and life philosophy component.A popular variation, commonly called the "Platinum Rule," coined and trademarked by Dr. Tony Alessandra, often works well in the business world. The Platinum Rule® Download a Sample Report View the questionnaire Mastering one important skill—adaptive communications—will help you become a charismatic, effective leader that others want to follow, a top-producing sales professional and/or improve all your personal relationships! By Hedge-of-Thorns | Watch. Platinum Rule Speech Tony Alessandra 1.