So where did the wonders go? He is miraculously calling people to himself as his church grows and expands. But for many of us, we see an absence of signs, wonders, and miracles in our lives and in the world around us. Ally. Even if we don’t frequently see extraordinary miraculous events, God is active. And so we pray, we plead with God, we cry out to Him. A line separates what we know from what we can't currently know. Thus, we see a lot of miracles today—a multitude, in fact. By John Piper.

It could very well be because of us. When we don’t invest ourselves in His daily miracles – as seen in the face of a newborn, or through new friendships being forged, or, even unrecognizably, in old unhealthy friendships being eliminated – we tend to think they don’t exist. This is one reason why many Christians, along with me, believe that it is wrong to be claiming that miraculous healings are happening. And don't tell me that every day is a miracle, childbirth is a miracle, and the sunrise is a miracle. Many times, however, we get disappointed. Seeking miracles from God. Why doesn't God do miracles in our lives? But for many of us, we see an absence of signs, wonders, and miracles in our lives and in the world around us.
At the same time, we should not necessarily expect miracles to occur today just as they did in …

On an everyday basis, the blind receive sight and the dead are raised. We have just perhaps become too accustomed to them to see them for what they are: Every Christian we meet is a miracle, a work in progress, a product of God’s abrupt, abnormal and amazing grace.

It’s a question from a college student who writes in to us. Dear Observer… By Craig Bluemel .

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“Pastor John, thank you for the wonderful podcast. One reason why we don't see miracles in our lives. Amazing, right? “According to the Bible, Jesus said, “Greater things shall ye do,” yet I see nothing done today. In this sense, miracles are no longer necessary, as the message of Jesus and His apostles has already been attested to and accurately recorded in the Scriptures.

It seems like miracles were pretty common in the Old and New Testaments, but today nothing like that seems to happen. He is active in the regular (natural) processes we see every day.

Published April 30, 2018 at 1:44pm. It hurts those who really need a healing but never get one. We doubt Him. But why don't we see miracles today like they did back then (like really big miracles, like the sea splitting into two) ? We want Him to do for us things that we could never do. We don’t need such signs today as we have God’s Word, the Bible. Funny, He even told Peter to get money from a fish's mouth, so they could pay taxes (see Matthew 14:22-33; John 21:4-7; Matthew 17:24-27). Answer Save. I am talking about splitting seas, dead people coming alive, and voices-from-heaven and hand-writing-on-the-wall type of miracles. In this sense, miracles are no longer necessary, as the message of Jesus and His apostles has already been attested to and accurately recorded in the Scriptures. But why don't we see them? There's a Reason We Don't See as Many Christian Miracles Today as They Did in Bible Times. 10 Answers. If you want, you can call that line God. At the same time, we should not necessarily expect miracles to …
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I think one reason we don’t see these public miracles is that God is not confirming new revelation today.

When a Christian wrongly thinks that they are too weak or ordinary to work miracles, this naturally leads to unbelief and to a lack of seeking to be used as an agent in miracle work, which in turn prevent miracles, as I outlined above.

Dear Observer, We want to see God do the humanly impossible. However, God is still a God of miracles today.

Yes, God still performs miracles.

They would have had the same question we do: “Why were there more miracles in the days of Elijah, or in the days of Moses, than there are today in the days of the prophets, or in the days of the kings?”

Many people wonder why we don’t see miracles such as the parting of the sea, the raising of the dead, and people walking on water.

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