Because paper money was a system in use in China long before the Mongolians arrived, it continued to thrive when the Mongolians adopted it. merchants met a lot of peps travel literature -- fantasy w/ fact. Marco Polo set out at age 17 from Italy with his father and uncle, traveling over an enormous stretch of land along what later became known as the _____. The Mongols introduced to Marco Polo a very new and intriguing concept--paper currency. Artisans got grants of food and did not have to do corvee. Many Europeans, most famously Marco Polo, travelled to Yuan China and observed Chinese cultural and technological innovations. marco polo. Marco Polo was very impressed with trade on the Yangtze. He thought this was a very surprising. Printing, paper money, porcelain, tea, restaurants, gunpowder, the compass—the number of things that Chinese of the Song Dynasty (A.D. 960-1280) gave to the world is mind-boggling. Marco Polo (/ ˈ m ɑːr k oʊ ˈ p oʊ l oʊ / , Venetian: [ˈmaɾko ˈpolo] , Italian: [ˈmarko ˈpɔːlo] , 1254 – January 8–9, 1324) was an Italian merchant, explorer, and writer who travelled through Asia along the Silk Road between 1271 and 1295. Kublai Khan was the first to put in country-wide use of paper currency. Meanwhile, those who actually generate the taxes—merchants like Marco’s father—are either self-serving or ‘simply nameless rabble’” (18). He was not impressed by the silver Akçe that the empire used for a unified currency, or that some realms of the empire still used local currency, but he was most surprised by the fact that in some parts of the empire the people used paper currency. ... used traditions to get rid of dem mongols. Russia and Rule from Afar. Marco Polo described the strange currency in his book, facetiously describing Kublai Khan as an alchemist who could transform mulberry trees into money, instead of base metals into gold. One of the most impressive discoveries that Marco Polo made on his visit to Mongolia is how the empire's monetary system worked. Marco Polo was among one of the firsts to travel across the Silk Road, and tea was acquired via the Silk Road, so putting the two together, many would conclude this. answer choices European Road The famous Venetian is believed to have left Venice at age 17 to embark on a 24-year journey through the Persian Gulf and Asia, spending much of this time in China in the court of the great Mongol emperor Kublai Khan. The Mongols used the Grand Canal to transport grain to the capital. One of the more notable applications of printing technology in China was the chao , the paper money of the Yuan, which became one of the first instances of a unified paper money economy in the world. Merchants had to convert foreign metals into paper money when they crossed into China. In his article “Death and Taxes in the Netflix series Marco Polo,” Ryan McMaken writes: “Also prominent within the series is taxation, and those who collect and count taxes are three-dimensional and largely sympathetic characters in Marco Polo. The Italian Marco Polo is probably the world’s most famous traveler and one of the world’s first travel writers. ... il-khans tried to use paper $$ to currency shortage; didn't work commerce depended on direct trade than currency.
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