Leave it at that. 5 Signs You’re Forcing Your Religion (or Atheism) on Your Kids 1.
Each soul has a different timing. The term is more commonly used of religious belief. Have you ever had someone try to force their religion on you? But at the same time, you can’t live your life based on what other people do. bounce someone into (doing) something ... to say that you might or you will do something bad or harmful, especially in order to make someone do something.
to use your power or influence to make someone do what you want them to do. I don't envy you; obsessive people can be draining. I have a good friend who is mormon (I am a Christian), and neither of us pushes our religion on the other, and we … Just politely explain that, while you appreciate their effort, you are OK, and not interested.
Simply say "I really love that you are so passionate about your beliefs, but to be honest I'm just not interested. When someone pisses you off, expressing anger will not prove your superiority. Tell them in no uncertain terms that what youbeleive is your choice. Have a set time slot, if you don’t already. "The chairman was determined to impose his view of the issue on the rest of the committee." WHAT TO SAY WHEN SOMEONE PUSHES RELIGION ON YOU Make eye contact and focus on what the person is saying.
I guess you can tell her that you hear her and will consider it, but her constant pushing of it on you is harming your friendship. They keep bringing religion up, not getting the hint that you’re not all interested. If they are really pushy, then I politely excuse myself. Just because you take the Lord’s name in vain doesn’t make you suddenly a non-Christian. This is a no-brainer but rarely practiced. I leave to go back in to get my stuff to go home, I come back out there and you're still … to force someone to do something by repeated arguments or threats.
"You look fine" Again, not saying you or your partner need to validate each other's fashion choices. My atheism isn't an appropriate answer so I don't go into it unless asked and I wouldn't list it as my religion. I've dealt with plenty of people approaching me, from Jehovah's Witnesses at my front door, to a Mormon acquaintance who asked if I was interested, to a Christian friend who invited my to their church service. It's literally impossible.
They can't force to believe something you don't. Tell them that if what they believe is true I then it would be you who suffers the consequences and so it's your choice of whether to take that chance.
6: Ask God to bring someone else to influence him for the Faith, since he won’t listen to you.
That’s almost easier, especially since you’re the only one there. People say, “I never thought of that!” With family or friends we think it is our job to win back the lost, to convert the non-Catholic. Rule No. Yet we quickly find that anger isn’t worth much at all.