You are free from your own desires only when God frees you. As was the custom, the Friday congregational prayer had two parts. Son utilisation de poèmes et de métaphores basées sur le langage amoureux dans ses sermons en fit la cible de nombreux théologiens qui l’accusèrent de blasphème. Abu Sa'id Mirza (født 1424, død 8. februar 1469) var hersker i Timuridriket i Sentralasia fra 1451 til sin død i 1469. This is not effected by your own exertion, but by the grace of God. Grand mystique et poète persan, Abû Sa’id Abu-l-Khayr est né en décembre 967 (Moharram 357) dans le village de Mehneh situé dans la province du Khorâssân de l’époque. 67:1 A 369, 5.. 67:2 See p. 55.

Son père, qui était physicien et herboriste, faisait également preuve d’un vif intérêt pour le soufisme. Footnotes. 67:3 A 258, 17.. 67:4 A 243, 18.. 67:5 A 381, 1.. 68:1 The falak is a pole on which the feet are tied when bastinado is administered.

See a selection of some of these among the on-line excerpts from the book Abu Sa'id Abu'l-Khayr and His Rubaiyat by the Sufi shaykh Dr. Zahurul Hasan Sharib. Abû Sa’id Abu-l-Khayr est connu pour être dans un état quasi-continu d’extase divine et pour avoir accompli plusieurs miracles. Khwajah 'Abdallah al-Ansari, an important Hanbali Sufi author and saint, died in the 481 AH / … After breakfast Abu Sa'id told Hasan to prepare a place for the Sufis in the front row of the Friday prayer. ‘Abdullah was defeated and killed, after which Abu Sa'id quickly moved his forces into the city and locked the gates, leaving Abu'l-Khayr and the Uzbeks outside. Mohammad Ebn E. Monawwar, Les étapes mystiques du Shaykh Abu Sa'id, Mystères de la connaissance de l'Unique (Asrar al Tawhid fi maqâmât e al shaykh Abu Sa'id), Traduction du persan et notes par Mohammad Achena, Desclée de Brouwer, 1974, 412p. ABU SA'ID FADL ALLAH B. ABI 'L-KHAIR AT MIHNA* By Leonard Harrow London I INTRODUCTION Abi Sacid Fadl Allah b. AbI 'l-Khair, d. 440/1049, is an important figure in the history of Sufism in Khurasan. Abu Sa'id war ein Schüler des bekannten Sufis al-Sulami (936–1021) und gilt als der erste Vertreter des Sufismus, der eine Art von Mönchsregel für seine Schüler aufstellte. Then he opens to you the gate of repentance. A collection of quatrains (ruba'iyat) is attributed to Abu Sa'id. Es wird berichtet, dass er sieben Jahre lang äußerst asketische Übungen praktizierte und sich ganz und gar dem Wort Allahs widmete. The words "on the falak" refer, no doubt, to the anxious suspense in which the two sceptics awaited the result of their experiment.Cf. Hasan prepared one hundred and twenty places for the Sufis in the first row and the prayer started. First he brings forth in you the desire to attain this goal. our phrase "on the rack." To avoid reprisal, Abu Sa'id presented the Uzbeks with many presents and riches. Spelled Abu Sa'id Ibn Abi'l Khayr (967-1049) Persian mystic and poet Even on the path to God, All is god. Abu'l-Khayr agreed to support Abu Sa'id, and the two armies marched on Samarkand.

The prayer leader that day was Qadhi Sa'id, Abu Sa'id's other enemy.

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